Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation 48% Effective?

Within a 2006 study (Jorenby et al., 2006) on the treatment of nicotine dependence demonstrated that although its initial efficacy is 44 percent at twelve weeks, varenicline (Chantix) was only 22.5 percent effective after nine months. Elkins and Rajab (2004) demonstrated a 48 percent quit-rate upon a twelve month follow-up with participants within their hypnosis for smoking cessation study. According to New Scientist (1992), “hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking." Its quote was based upon a study cited within the Journal of Applied Psychology, earlier that same year. These findings appear to hold true, even within today's healthcare environment that seemingly demonstrates an overemphasis upon pharmacological approaches.

If you or someone you know wants to quit smoking, I recommend my FREE resources at

Elkins, G. R., & Rajab, M. H. (2004). Clinical hypnosis for smoking cessation: Preliminary results of a three-session intervention. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 52(1), 73-81.

Jorenby, D. E., Hays, T., Rigotti, N. A., Azoulay, S., & Watsky, E. J. (2006). Efficacy of varenicline, an alpha 4 beta 2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor partial agonist, vs placebo or sustained-release bupropion for smoking cessation . The Journal of the American Medical Association, 296(1).

Matthews, R. (1992, October 31). How one in five have given up smoking. New Scientist, 136(1845), 6.